80 degrees and sunny in Bucharest today. Alexander entertained a large crowd of pedestrians while doing his ecstatic, hilarious Zorbatic dance to the lively beats of a Transylvanian bouzouki-band.
Such sublimity inspires, what else(?), gratuitous snapshots of our sublime bambini.
C & K
Kerry!!!!!!!! It's Michelle from SAFE, aka "Baby," don't know if you remember me. Anywho, just wanted to say "hey" and that I' insanely jealous that you're living in Romania and I'm stuck in Hicksville, Nowhere, KY. Well I hope you're going well, and your kids are gorgeous. Take care.
Kerry!!!!!!! It's Michelle from SAFE aka "Baby" don't know if you remember me. Anywho, just wanted to say hey and that I'm insanely jealous that you're living in Romania and I'm stuck here in Hicksville Nowhere, KY. Well I hope you're doing well, and btw, your kids are gorgeous. Take care.
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